team coaching

We supply our investors with all the necessary information

Do you know how to always present yourself  at your best?

In our experience some of the main reasons for which certain start-ups do not get attention of the investors are linked to an unsuccessful presentation of the business idea, which is often characterized by the lack of a concrete and achievable development plan.

It’s for this reason exactly that we have implemented the ‘’Propriety Protocol’’, which is to be consolidated over 20 years. In this way, we are able to provide the investors with the essential information, in its customary format, in order to establish the first in-depth relationship.

team coaching
team coaching

Leave it up to us!

With our consultants’ experience and all other services provided you will be presented effectively to the world of finance and investors.

Together we will prepare the Due Diligence (DD), a filter for enlightning the most suitable road to follow for the best presentation of your project.

Having evaluated your proposal, with your initiative, we will put into action the ‘’Professional Package’’, which will then be sent out to our investors by our introducers. Personal visits to the offices will also be planned with the help of your team.

At the beginning of your presentation we will form the feedback evaluation while providing you with all the necessary assistance needed to succeed with the final agreement.

From  presentation to the final agreement

We highlight the strongest points of your project so that your profile aligns with the market’s requests.